Week 2 CS 371p

What did I do this past week?

This past week I started on my assignments and started to hangout with some old friends. Collatz is pretty similar to the one I did in SWE so it’s not too big of a problem. I improving my C++ skills in both OOP and competitive programming assignments so it is getting easier to write C++ everyday. Also this past week I went to the taekwondo clubs open house days and trained with them. I personally like martial arts a lot and taekwondo seems like it is one of the more competitive ones out there. The club is very active and people are very nice so I would recommend anyone who wants to learn about a martial arts the Texas Taekwondo club.

What’s in my way?

I have quite a few assignments due next week so I’m a bit stressed and it is making me anxious. If I can just finish those up I will be relaxed.

What will I do next week?

I plan to finish my competitive programming problems and Collatz this week. If I have time I will start on my Marketing homework. Also have to do readings for OOP and computer vision like every week. Next week I plan to go to taekwondo clubs practice again and become a full member. In my free time I might start watching a new anime or a TV show.

What’s my experience of the class?

Again it was a week pretty similar to SWE Collatz week. It was nice to learn about C++ unit testing and coverage tools. I also thought the differences between pre-increment and post-increment at the lower level were pretty interesting and made me think about how compiler compiles the program. I’m also glad to have a free quiz this Friday because every one of those counts.

Pick of the week

When I was doing interview practice last semester one book I thought was very good was Elements of Programming Interviews. It’s not as popular as cracking the Coding Interview or leetcode but I think the variety and depth of questions is very good. It’s a little more challenging than CTCI but sometimes we need to get challenged to improve ourselves. As a bonus it comes in Java, Python and C++ versions so you can chose whichever you feel comfortable with.

Written on January 27, 2018