Week 11 CS 371p

What did I do this past week?

This past week I finished up darwin and my computer vision assignment related to image warping and creating mosaics. It was a busy week which had me sacrifice a lot of my free time. The Texas Taekwondo team went to national collegiate championship this weekend and I spent the weekend watching their games online and supporting them virtually.

What’s in my way?

Class registration and graduate program applications are in my way. I don’t know what to take and I need to write a statement of purpose which I have been delaying for a while now. Also I need to find a partner for project 5 since I need those extra 5 points badly.

What will I do next week?

Depending on when I find a partner I might start Project 5 Life. It seems similar to Darwin from some aspects but use of abstract classes could be tricky since I never used one in C++.

What’s my experience of the class?

Last week felt like data structures 2.0 in C++. We went over all of the main data structures in C++ and their implementation. The single structure that surprised me the most was the implementation of deque and the outer array. I always assumed deque was a single array that started from the middle but I was way wrong. Of course because of this property the fact that stack used a deque made a lot of sense.

Pick of the week

If you use vim I would highly recommend the vim plugin manager named vundle. Vundle is great because it is the simplest plugin manager I found. Here is a link to their github repo: https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim. Some plugins I like on vim are NERDTree and syntastic. Nerdtree is a filesystem explorer on vim and it has a nice user interface. Syntastic is a syntax checker and it also works like a little compiler and finds mistakes in the code. Both are super useful plugins that increase my productivity a lot.

Written on April 8, 2018